With a diverse range of influences, Deep 6 is an in-your-face experience. Intense guitar melodies teamed with a female fronted scream and song, driving bass and percussion, as well as a sound that defies all labels and categories, Deep 6 has rocked Southern Texas for years and is on their way to world domination. Their newest demo CD, “Take One” is expected to take them to the heights they’ve always wanted to reach, and bring forth a world of new sound and influence.
Krystal Salinas
Krystal has been playing guitar for 10 years, and singing for 17 years, though she used to be the drummer for Deep 6 before becoming the frontwoman. Now if she could just find her keys….
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Bobby Laird
Bobby is a talented bass player who is a big fan of Dr. Pepper and his band. As a founding member of Deep 6, he remains a key factor in their sound today. Meh. “you can collect them all”
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Skip Hayes
Skip is the newest member of Deep 6, but has already made a significant and important impact on the band. He is the BBQ master, a professional milkman, and he loves getting new tattoos. Alright guy.
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